Kalpana Chawla Memorial Planetarium
The prestigious Kalpana Chawla Memorial Planetarium has been constructed at Kurukshetra with the joint collaboration of Haryana State Council for Science & Techonlogy (Deptt. of Science & Technology)
and National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India in the memory of Lt. Astronaunt Ms. Kalpana Chawla at Kurukshera near Jyotisar.
The planetarium has been built at a cost of Rs. 6.50 Crores which was shared equally between Govt. of India & Govt. of Haryana on 5 acres if land provided by the State Govt.
The Planetarium has a 12 metre dome with a seating capacity of 120 persons. The equipment installed in the planetarium is latest and has been imported from USA.
The Planetarium, named after the brave daughter of Haryana, has been developed for imparting non-formal education in Astronomy among the masses. The excellent programmes and
the supporting exhibits placed inside and outdoor will help the people at large and students in particular in learning this frontier area of Science and satisfy thier curious minds wiht a whole range of information about the universe.
The staff recruited for the planetarium has been adequately trained. Two programmes titled "Oasis in the space" and "Astronaut" are available both in English & Hindi to be shown to the visitors.
The Planetarium was inaugurated by Sh. Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Haryana on 24/07/07 in the presence of Sh.Chander Mohan, Hon'ble Dy. CM, Haryana.